Selling your unwanted items on consignment is a great way to make some extra money. Most consignment stores give consigners 15 - 30% on the sale of their items and you have to wait months for your items to sell. Even stores that offer cash up front for your children's items typically offer a very small percentage of the actual sales price.
That is where Deja Vu comes in! Without all of the overhead costs of a permanent location, we are able to pass more of the sale price on to our consigners! As a Deja Vu consigner, you receive 60% of your sales! With the ability to earn up to 75% by volunteering at the sale! Since our sale is a one day event, e-transfers and cheques ae sent out within a week of the sale!
With Deja Vu, YOU set the prices on the items you want to sell! You can decide if your items will be included in our 50% off sale and if you would like us to donate any unsold items or have your unsold items returned to you.
Forget selling your unwanted items one by one on online sites, multiple strangers come to your home and dealing with no shows!. We have hundreds of shoppers specifically looking for baby and children's items!
Once you have registered and prepared your items for the sale, all you have to do is drop them off and we will take care of the sale! All you have to do is wait for your cheque in the mail.
Register now and turn those overcrowded closets and toy rooms into cash!